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The Birth of a New (Project in Well-) Being

As I’m in the midst of the birth of Optimal Living, I’ve realized that the search for what it takes to “live optimally” has been a quest I’ve been on my entire life, prompted both by some very challenging personal experiences AND some amazingly wonderful experiences.  Still, I’ve only pondered the idea of sharing what I’m learning in this way (online and with the TV series, and by other means still in the works) for the past ten months or so.  That’s a mighty long gestational period, and I dare say this baby is long overdue. The last few weeks in particular have been a flurry of activity: getting this website and the Facebook page up and running; contacting and confirming guests for the show; finalizing the production schedule; and defining my future plans for the Optimal Living project.  This stage kind of feels like the intense transition phase of childbirth; the last big push before the creation comes into the world (although it’s definitely a lot less painful; and my apologies go out to anyone reading this who might be squeamish about childbirth-related matters :-)). But this process has also served to remind me that even “good stress” can take a toll.  I must admit that I’ve had occasion to refer back to my own "Fundamental Ingredients for Optimal Living"(see sign up box at right) more than once over this past week, to refresh my memory on how to take it all in stride and enjoy this exciting time, even during the busy/stressful/gosh-I’ve-got--so-much-to-DO parts.  While the show and the online information I share here will often be new and leading-edge, I do feel that we’re equally served by the occasional review of the “basics of well-being” too. So thank you for being on this journey with me: to my coaches on the inside (too many to name but special thanks to Barbara Sher’s WS3/MC Group, you know who you are!) who are brainstorming with me through the challenges and Snoopy-dancing with me through the “hurrah!” moments (thanks for that, Kellie Walker); to my friends outside the project who are cheering me on from the sidelines; to all the people who’ve inspired me and otherwise prompted and pushed this idea into me and out of me; and to those of you who’ve otherwise discovered this website and this project, and have decided to join the community, or read this blog or look for the show on TV (coming in April to Rogers Waterloo Region!).  So thanks for being part of it; I’m glad you’re here to watch Optimal Living unfold through its early days.  There are lots more Optimal Living “babies” (aka projects) in the works for the future too, and I’d love to hear your questions, comments and ideas about what you see and as we go along.   And, if there is a practice, person or subject you’re interested in and would like to know more about, do leave me a comment here on the blog or send me an email at kelly (at) optimallivingkw (dot) com.   I look forward to hearing from you!


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